Audio Practice #9 Trizone Awareness (Mind, Heart, Body) [10:35]
Instructions: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, take a few full breaths, and click play ⏵ on the video or audio above.
This meditation is called trizone. Here we bring into awareness three embodied centres modeled around the mind/head, heart, and lower body and gut region. By meditating on these three zones of awareness—mind, heart, and body—you are invited to feel some essential qualities of consciousness:
• The mind: open, clear, bright, spacious • The heart: radiant, connected, present, warm, friendly, benevolent • The body (belly/torso): deep, calm, mysterious, quiet, wonderous, timeless
As you contemplate awareness around the trizone regions, it can help decentre from thoughts, emotion, and sensations and dissolve for a moment your sense of attachment to a sense of self. From CLASS #6: SUDDENLY PURE
<For the previous practice, click here. (Practice #8 Four Elements)
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